
Thanks for drawing me!


Basic Info

  • Name: Lunar

  • Age: 17

  • Gender: Female

  • Height: 155 cm (5’1)

  • Weight: 50 kg (or, 110 lbs)

  • 3 sizes: B85 W70 H82


  • Energetic, kind, sweet-as-can-be, bubbly, but also a LITTLE mischievous (but you wouldn’t know at first glance!)

  • She can get flustered pretty easily (bless her heart), she’ll hide her face using her hair if she gets too embarrassed!

  • She wouldn’t hurt a fly, unless you go after her friends or faves,,,then you better watch out cause the knives WILL come out.

  • She loves making others smile, be it through charity, lending a listening ear, singing, so be it! Smiles make the world go round after all :>



  • Eye Color: Dark brown (#58391C)

  • Skin Color: Dark tan/medium brown (#955738)

  • Hair Color: Very dark, rich, brown (#1F1810)

  • Image color: Violet purple (#AF50F6)

  • Secondary color: Periwinkle blue (#7288f7)


  • Goes to low-back, although the length is flexible

  • A flower is characteristically in her hair

  • Bows, little hats, etc
 are welcome as well!

  • Hairstyle is flexible

  • Use of two mini-buns with the most of the hair down is a common hairstyle


  • Flexible! It’s likely that I’ll give you a general direction or specific directions for the outfit.

  • Otherwise, feel free to let me know what you’d like to do for an outfit and just run it past me!

  • Signature: Above-the-knee/knee-height, frilly, purple dress with straps. Ballerina-style (short) platform heels.


  • Dresses (short, long, frilly, form-fitting - most dresses are totally fine!), heels, heeled boots, soft/fluffy clothing, skirts, jean shorts, sweaters (sweaters/shirts with those big draped sleeves are a big yes), thigh-highs, fishnets, tights, flowers, hair/headpieces.


  • Grunge, tennis shoes, tube tops, excessive makeup, NSFW, sweats (ie sweatshirt, sweatpants), gritty, emo, oversized/overly baggy clothing (sleeves are an exception), excessive neon - purple is an exception (don’t make my girl a highlighter PLEASE).

  • Note: If I personally give the OK for anything listed under DON’Ts, feel free to disregard its presence on the list!


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